
Management Agreement for Single Family House
his Agreement dated this day of , 20 , is made by and between , whose address is , (“Owner”), and , whose address is , (“Agent”).
1. Agency. The Owner hereby employs the Agent to lease and manage the Owner’s single family residence (hereinafter referred to as “Property”) located and described as follows:
2. Duties of Agent. In order to properly manage and lease the property, the Agent shall have the following duties and responsibilities:
A. Best Efforts. The Agent shall use its best effort to attract and retain tenants for
the property.
B. Lease Negotiations. The Agent shall handle all negotiations with tenants with respect to leases. All such agreements are subject to the approval of the Owner. However, the Owner may provide the Agent with authorization to lease under certain specified terms and conditions.
C. Employees. The Agent shall employ, supervise, discharge, and pay all employees or independent contractors who are reasonably required in the proper management and operation of the property. The Agent shall pay all employees and independent contractors and fully complete all necessary federal tax returns and payments of related taxes on behalf of Owner.
D. Supplies. The Agent shall purchase all necessary supplies for the proper management of the property. This includes heating fuel where applicable.
E. Repairs and Maintenance. The Agent shall contract for or undertake the making of all necessary repairs and the performance of all other necessary work for the benefit of the property including all required alterations to properly carry out this contract. However, no expenses shall be incurred for such matters in excess of Fifty Dollars ($50.00) for any single item without the express consent of the Owner, except where required during an emergency.
F. Mortgages and Other Expenses. From the rents received the Agent shall pay all operating expenses and such other expenses as requested by the Owner. This may include the payment of mortgages or taxes.
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